Understanding False Positive Detections


Some antivirus scanners may flag our software due to the code protection methods we use. These are false positives, which occur because we utilize code obfuscation - a standard practice to protect proprietary software from unauthorized copying or modification.

Security tools commonly flag obfuscated code because both legitimate software and malware use obfuscation techniques. However, in our case - like many other commercial products - obfuscation is used to protect intellectual property, not to hide malicious intent.

Why False Positives Occur

Code obfuscation is a standard practice in commercial software development, used by many well-known companies to protect their intellectual property. This protection mechanism often triggers security tools because:

  • Security scanners are designed to be cautious about obfuscated code
  • Complex system optimizations require elevated permissions
  • Performance tweaks interact with protected system settings
  • Advanced features utilize deep system integration

Our Commitment to Security

While we must protect our intellectual property through code obfuscation, we maintain complete transparency about our development practices. Our software is:

  • Thoroughly tested for security before each release
  • Built following Windows development best practices
  • Designed with transparent and reversible system modifications
  • Regularly updated with security improvements

Verify For Yourself

We encourage users to validate our software's safety through multiple methods:

Your trust and security are our top priorities. While false positives are common in the software optimization industry, we remain committed to maintaining both the security of your system and the integrity of our code.